16 april 2012


Inspirasjon, farger, form og morsomme, fine og kanskje provoserende fargesammensetninger?
Smaken er ikke lik hos alle! Heldigvis, tenk hvor kjedelig det hadde blitt da...
Det er ingen fasit eller noe quiltepoliti som bestemmer korrekt metode eller måte.
Så lek i veg med uvante og kanskje utviklende sammensetninger!
MyQuilt 2/12 er et blad som leker.... så herlig!
Finnes i butikken nå. Anbefales!

Inspiration, colors, form and funny, beautiful and maybe provoking color combinations?
We don't have the same taste- fortunately! It would have been so boring if there were an correct answer to everything.
I urge you to play and have fun with all the materials and colors you may think of!
MyQuilt is a norwegian magazine which does that... plays... and gives us inspiration!
In ths shop now! The magazine have great color illustrations, so even if you don't read norwegian, you could understand the way of making these designs!

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